Game Cheats
Ever thought how awesome it would be to play as Krauser in the main game?
Wanna know how?
Then check below.

"Action Replay Max" cheat system to use with the GameCube
NTSC version of Resident Evil 4 (on GameCube)
Memory Card
European users please note that you WILL be able to play a NTSC game in your console with the Action Replay Max as it also acts as a converter
Important Instructions
You will first need to play the entire game as Leon.
Krauser cannot access his inventory screen at ANYtime so it is imperative that you play through as Leon and save IMMEDIATELY after any stage which has required a key item to continue.
Example: You will NOT be able to take the Insignia Key from the Village Chief's bedroom to use on the door in the village, therefore when you play as Leon, you will need to save at the typewriter immediately behind that door in order to continue your game when you play as Krauser.
Also, Krauser can leap out of windows but he cannot jump across ANY gaps which includes the wooden ledge behind the church, dam platforms at the waterway and the circular cage in the dragon room so you will need to do the nearest saves at these areas also when playing through as Leon.
When you have played through the game as Leon and made as many saves as possible, you can begin to play as Krauser. Just remember that you can't save while playing as Krauser, so each time you reach a point in the game where you can't continue (which will be before every door that requires a key item) you will need to reload the game (and cheats) and start at the save you made with Leon.
The Codes
Play As Krauser
Infinite Health
Partner: Infinite Health
Infinite Ammo
Krauser cannot use herbs or first aid spray at ANYtime, therefore you will need infinite health unless of course you are absolutely sure you won't need it ;)
You also cannot administer top-up health to Ashley so you will need to give her infinite health also.
As Krauser you will not be able to equip any weapons other than his bow (you will have use of his knife and arm) so infinite ammo is important if you plan on using his bow throughout the game.
Game Play
It takes some time to set up but playing the game as Krauser is great fun.
Seeing the man responsible for kidnapping Ashley doing his best to protect her is pretty funny, as well as not to be missed moments when Krauser meets himself!
Feel free to EMAIL ME if you have any problems or additional questions.
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