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Jack Krauser

Jack Krauser is an ex Government Agent who became acquainted with Leon Scott Kennedy presumably whilst he was training in the Secret Service. It's not clear whether the two were good friends or even particulary close and although Krauser refers to Leon as "comrade", his tone is somewhat facetious. After a helicopter crash sometime in 2002, Krauser was presumed dead although of course this was not the case and he infact has been working for Wesker during the last 2 years in a quest to re-establish Umbrella. Wesker had gained information regarding the Las Plagas and sent Krauser undercover to work for Osmund Saddler, gain his trust and steal a sample. Krauser was responsible for the kidnapping of Ashley Graham, the President's daughter which he orchestrated in order to achieve Saddler's confidence.

It is in the Communications Tower with Ada that we first get to see what Krauser is really up to. Things haven't exactly gone according to plan so Jack had to call on Ada for assistance, although he isn't pleased to have her there. He doesn't trust Ada and senses that her plans may not be in consistance with his and Wesker's. He threatens to kill her if she tries to do anything clever to which Ada reminds him that she has infact known Wesker a lot longer than he has.

It is on Saddler's island that Leon Kennedy runs into his former colleague and the two engage in a knife fight. Leon is obviously surprised to see Jack although almost straight away realises that he is the one behind Ashley's kidnapping. Leon learns that Krauser is after the sample that Saddler developed and had used Ashley to buy Saddler's trust. Krauser then lets it slip that it was all for Umbrella's sake which judging by his reaction, surprised Leon who obviously thought, hoped even, that he would never hear that name again.

Krauser then moves in for the kill but Leon is rescued by Ada just in time. Jack isn't too pleased to see her and refers to her as the "bitch in the red dress". He didn't trust Ada before and he certainly doesn't trust her now. Before disappearing, he informs Leon that although he may be able to prolong his life, there was no way he could escape his inevitable death.

The final showdown takes place in the Fortress Ruins. Jack is aggravated that Leon and Ada are "all hooked up". Leon demands to know where Ashley is so Krauser informs him that she's beyond the gate and in order to get to her he will need three insignias. There's one in the east, one in the west and no points for guessing who has the last one. Jack then begins his sequence of attacks. As Leon proceeds through the ruins to retrieve the pieces of the holy beast, Krauser is upon him at every corner. Leon wants to know what his plans are once he restores Umbrella. Krauser wants to bring order and balance to what he describes as an insane world. Presumably he is referring to what would happen if he got the sample for Wesker, therefore creating a world of puppets - just like Saddler has created but on a much larger scale.

Jack continues his attack and takes great pleasure in taunting Leon. He tells him to come out and fight like a man, and although it's been tough to get this far, Jack is obviously just playing with Leon, saving the best until last. Everytime Leon gets close to keeping Krauser at bay, he throws a flash grenade and disappears only to return minutes later, faster and more agile than before. Not content on shooting at Leon, stabbing him with his knife and projecting exploding mines, Krauser also has a little toy collection. Little robots placed strategically around the ruins greet Leon by detonating in his path.

After finding the second insignia, Krauser confronts Leon for the final time. However he has one more trick.....his mutation. In front of Leon, Krauser's left arm mutates into a huge shielding claw. "Witness the Power" he states proudly and then warns Leon to prepare for his death. As an extra precaution, Jack planted timer bombs within the ruins which meant either way, Leon was in for a blast (no pun intended)!

Krauser is extremely experienced and even a trusty rocket launcher missile will leave this man still standing. He had the ability to block all bullet shots to his torso and head with his claw so the only way to bring Jack down was to shoot him in the lower leg. This made him drop to his knee, thus exposing his head and then a couple of magnum shots to his head brought upon his death. Leon was then able to retrieve the last piece of the holy beast and exit the ruins before it exploded into a pile of rubble, however, not before reminiscing about how Krauser used to be a good guy.

So, the big question is......Is Krauser really dead?
I think not! You don't get rid of ole Jack quite so easily. He already faked his death once and is quite capable of doing it again!
Leon was far too busy getting off the tower in time before the explosion to see what happened to Jack. Jack had plenty of time to get away and being the devious one, I'm positive he did.
There are also a couple of important points to remember, firstly, the Mercenaries game - none of the other unlockable characters are dead - Leon, Ada, Hunk and Wesker are all living, so why would they throw a dead guy in the mix. More importantly, at the end of Jack's mercenary game, there is a shot of him watching the tower explode! Yes, watching THE tower explode, the very same one that Leon just escaped from and apparently left Krauser for dead. So okay, it may just be wishful thinking but I'm sure Krauser will return.

Well I hate to say I told you so! But I DID tell you so!!!
Krauser makes a very welcome comeback in "Separate Ways" (the Ada Wong unlockable game for the PS2 version of RE4). Leon didn't quite finish Krauser off and neither did the Fortress Ruins blowing into a zillion pieces! Just as Ada exits the penitentiary we are faced with Krauser, looking a bit bashed but nonetheless ready to kick some major butt! Ada apologizes for "jumping the gun" when she reported him dead to Wesker and then grumbles about too much paper work being necessary if Krauser was to show up alive.
They then battle it out on the rooftops. The same strategy as before is needed here, shoot him in the knees to bring him down and then in the head. Krauser will then throw a flash grenade, jump to a nearby roof and continue his attack. This happens twice before he finally falls for the last (???) time to which Ada remarks how she doesn't like it when men play rough.

So.....once again, we have to ask the BIG question! Is Krauser really dead for good this time? Capcom want you to believe he is. Unlike when Leon supposedly defeated him, this time Krauser collapses into a pool of blood and his mutation begins to shrink!!! It doesn't look good for Jacky-Boy BUT I still refuse to believe he is a stone cold stiff! As I mentioned before, Krauser has faked his death twice already and is capable of doing it again. I don't think he should be underestimated.....so if I was Leon or Ada, I'd watch my back!!!


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